Sunday, February 1, 2015

Brother PE500 Embroidery machine

On an impulse, I purchased this machine last Fall.  Not sure of it, the jury is still out.

I bought it refurbished from Amazon.  Works amazing.  But, did I really need it?  NO.  Guess I needed a "happy" in my life, living with someone for 40 years, then BAM alone, will do it every time.

I haven't really found much need for it..........yet.   I embroidered small Christmas towels as gifts and embroidered a PJ top for my daughter-in-law with the built-in butterfly design, and her name over it.  It only works in a 4 x 4 area, which is good, but if you want to put in a sentence, like below....this happened....haha..  Still have to play with it to learn how to put the words on a straight line.  I think the word "little" was the limit of the one square.

Oh well, guess it makes it unique.  It's for my grandsons.....I still have to put a backing on it.

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