But, my point - I've learned alot of pointers in the construction of garments, while ripping out seams.
But this one, I've never seen before:
The manufacturer put pieces of lining fabric on the tips of each dart. I don't understand why, does anyone else?
The obvious is probably strengthening the ends, but does it really?
Another thing this manufacturer did was put a 1" long piece of interfacing along the length of every seam. I may consider that when I sew flimsy fabric.
I've always wanted to take an advanced sewing class, but they just don't offer them around here.
That is so true about learning when you do alterations. especially to see where manufacturers put interfacing. Lots of extra places, that make sense when you see the.
The reason for the little bit of lining at the end of darts is to create more fabric for the stitching of the dart.
The idea is to sew off the garment fabric and onto the lining piece, creating a very smooth point at the end of the dart. This hopefully eliminates those little bumps that sometimes occur at the tip of the dart.
hope that explains it.
Happy Sewing.
Thanks Beth...well, now I have a DUH moment!! Sewing onto the the little piece of lining makes total sense....I'm going to do that on my clothes now...thanks for your comment.
It's also a very "couture" thing to balance the dart, by sewing a strip of the fashion fabric (about .75" wide by the length of the dart plus a bit) to the dart. Centre the strip on the dart stitching line (dart already sewn but not pressed) with one end extending beyond the point. Sew exactly on the same stitching line as the dart. Then when pressing, press the strip to one side and the dart to the other. The strip is now folded double as is the dart - they are the same "height" so no ugly ridge where you pressed your dart open.
I saw this dart treatmnt on a DVD that I'd recently ordered. It was to prevent any bumps or pulls at the end of bust dart.
About interfacing the seams I'm not sure. The Fashion Incubator blog might be a better place to look for this information. This blog is kept by someone who is a professional pattern maker who works in the RTW industry. She would certainly know why this done.
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